The Auditor's Office must also distribute taxes collected to cities, schools, special districts and the County and processes corrections to the levies. 2021 California Tax Brackets, Tax Rate Schedules and Standard Deductions 9,325 9,325, 22,107, 93.25 34,892 18,650 18,650, 44,214, 186.50 69,784 18,663. The undersigned certify that, as of June 13, 2023, the internet website of the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration is designed, developed, and maintained to be in compliance with California Government Code Sections 7405, 11135, and 11546.7 and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2. The standard deduction for the 2022 tax year is 12,950 for single filers and married individuals filing separately. This levy is used to create the tax bills mailed by the Tax Collector.

The Auditor's Office must calculate tax rates on voter approved debt taking into account debt service amounts, multiply these rates times assessed values and add any direct charges sent to us by taxing entities. Tax rates under the HI program are 1.45 percent for employees and employers. One of the main functions of the Auditor's Office is to prepare the levy for all taxable properties in the County once assessed values have been provided by the Assessor's Office.